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Please select one of the frequently asked questions below.

Question about selling

How to make a booking?

Simply use the forms provided on the top or at the bottom of the rental details page to contact the owner  / manager. Just make an enquiry for availability and price.

In any service fee or commission involved?

Absolutely no. is a vacation rentals finder that brings together property owners and website visitors. You simply contact the owner, is not involved into any communication between you and the owner / agent.

What about reservation and cancellation policies?

Each rental owner / manager has its own policies. Before you confirm your booking, make sure you are informed about the booking policies and cancellation, no-show, early check-out policies. is not a party to any rental agreement.

I am a property owner, how can I list my rental on

Simply click on either “Sign in / Register” or “Create Listing” on top-right of the site. Fill-in the form and register. Login and follow the instructions.